

My son is turning two and we are looking into buying a train set. We've heard good things about Geotrax. What do you think?



Photo Hunters: Colorful

I contemplated on whether or not to post flowers as I figured it wasn't too original, but this is such a pretty shot and such a nice variety of colors, that I wanted to share it. This is taken in Osaka, Japan near the Osaka Castle.....and is indeed, colorful. :)
Check out more Photo Hunters


Visit me elsewhere....

A while back, I thought I'd retire from writing here, but it seems I can't. I really enjoy being part of the Wordless Wednesday and The Photo Hunters challenge so this place is going to stay put. I do most of my actual blogging at my own domain name: BabyTalkers.com - soooo, please visit me there, but keep on checking back here too. This is the place most of my photos will be as well as random tidbits from my other blog and some shameless self promotion. hehe :) Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day everyone!!
